Pet Diagnostics

To ensure that your pet receives the best care possible, our hospital provides full digital x-ray capabilities, rigid endoscopy, ultrasonography, laboratory equipment for blood analysis, microscopy, surgical theatres for sterile procedures, the most up-to-date ultrasonic dental equipment, IV infusion pumps, blood transfusion capabilities, and much more.

In some circumstances, it could be necessary to refer your pet to a specialised facility with the knowledge and tools required to carry out a particular procedure. In this case, the veterinarian will inform you of the necessity for a referral and arrange one on your behalf.
We have an extensive range of the latest diagnostic and surgical equipment. This helps to provide valuable information for:
  • Diagnosis of specific diseases and conditions
  • Monitoring treatment effectiveness
  • Evaluating a patient’s health prior to general anaesthetic
  • Senior and geriatric health screens

Our hospital offers full digital xray facilities, rigid endoscopy, ultrasonography, laboratory machines for blood analysis, microscopy, surgical theatres for sterile procedures, the latest in ultrasonic dental equipment, IV infusion pumps, blood transfusion capabilities and much more to ensure your pet receives the very best of care. In certain situations it may be necessary to refer your pet to a specialist centre where they have the necessary expertise and equipment to perform a specific procedure. If this situation arises, the veterinarian concerned will advise you of the need to be referred and organise this for you.

In-house Laboratory

We have extensive laboratory facilities on site, which enables us to get almost immediate results for sometimes very urgent blood testing. For other tests such as serology, microbiology and histopathology we send the samples to a specialist pathology laboratory nearby (like your own doctor does) which also offers fast result turn around times.

We perform routine microscopy on blood, skin, ear, urine and faecal samples often while you wait during consultation to aid us in appropriate diagnosis and treatment of your pet’s condition.

Radiology/x-ray Facilities

If your animal requires an x-ray, we have the most up to date equipment to take high quality diagnostic digital x-rays safely and comfortably on site at the hospital. A visiting radiologist reviews all our radiographs to provide additional expert opinion.


Our visiting specialist ultrasonographer can provide an expert doppler ultrasound examination (abdominal, cardiac or ophthalmic) as part of a thorough diagnostic workup should your pet require it.

Ultrasound is a very informative, non invasive and painless procedure which is now frequently used in veterinary medicine.

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Opening Hours Mon-Fri: 8 am-7 pm
Sat: 8 am-2 pm
Sun & Public Hols: 8 am-12 pm

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