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6 Reasons Your Cat Isn’t Sleeping at Night and How to Help

Posted on 15 February 2022
6 Reasons Your Cat Isn’t Sleeping at Night and How to Help

Active cats are a lot of fun until they aren’t.

Many of us want the most exciting part of the night to be our heads hitting the pillow. But for a few cat owners, nights don’t end there.

As cat owners, we have to remember that we shouldn’t use any punishment or negative reinforcement for habits like these, especially if they’re new or unusual. Instead, you should help diagnose the cause of their behaviour.

Reasons cats might not sleep through the night

It’s how they’re programmed

Cats are genetically programmed to be active in the night for the sake of hunting, but you can build a routine and help your pet to overcome its natural impulses and fulfil its needs through the day.

You should also set an example for your cat by keeping your own routine as regular as you can by burning the midnight oil less often for work or bingeing tv shows and leaving the house at similar times.

Basic necessities

Before problem-solving, you should make sure that your cat’s basic needs are met at all times. Ensure that your cat has a healthy diet and access to water 24/7. You should also make sure that their litter box is kept clean and in a safe place. 

If you’re not sure that you’re providing the proper diet or lifestyle for your cat breed, contact us for specific advice.

Social needs

Your pet cat also needs socialisation to live a healthy, fulfilled life. As a domesticated cat, your pet will often look to you to fulfil its social needs. To help, give them plenty of time, love, and affection whenever you can (when they want it). 

If your cat enjoys the company of other animals, but you’re limited to one, you could organise an occasional playdate.

Boredom or excess energy

If your cat is becoming bored or has excess energy through the night, they might get up to explore or play. 

Like fulfilling their social needs, you should also mentally stimulate your cat. If you work long days, you can still promote stimulation for your cat by offering ways for it to play by itself like:

  • Having a scratching post in your home

  • Keep things fresh with new or different foods

  • Buy them a new toy every now and then

Changes in your home environment

Changes in your home environment can affect your cat’s emotions and behaviour. Some examples of changes that might affect your cat include:

  • A new person in the household

  • New furniture

  • Moving home

  • New neighbours (including pets)

Illness and anxiety

With any new or unusual behaviour, your first step should be to contact your vet for an appointment.

If your cat has previously slept through the night and has recently taken to restlessness, they may be sick or anxious.

Other symptoms may be present with sickness like:

  • Further changes in behaviour like lethargy during the day

  • Disinterest in activities and eating

  • Vomiting or diarrhoea 

  • Regurgitation 

Should you bring your cat to the vet if it won’t sleep through the night?

Whether your cat is a serial bedtime offender or they’ve recently become restless through the night, you should bring them to the vet.

Your cat not sleeping through the night could be a simple behavioural issue, but it could also be a symptom of mental or physical illness. 


Tags:Pet BehaviourCat
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